
NHS Lanarkshire – G-AP Training Course Video Series

We worked closely with NHS Lanarkshire NMAHP Research Unit to create a training video series for nurses and therapists of stroke patients.

The Brief

We were tasked with creating a video training series for the NMAHP Research Unit. The breif was to advise nurses and therapists of stroke patients of the very latest theraputic interventions.

NHS Lanarkshire – G-AP Training Course Video Series

We worked closely with NHS Lanarkshire NMAHP Research Unit to create a training video series for nurses and therapists of stroke patients. Filmed on location at NHS Lanarkshire headquarters, this rewarding project has been really instrumental in helping patients recieve a better level of care from this cutting edge theraputic research. Filmed during the pandemic directly in the wards, we could not use any contact with the therapists and patients, so boom microphones had to be used rather than lapel microphones. Getting the sound right in these highly reverbant rooms was a challenge.

We also created a logo and animations for each of the videos. Nurses and staff have found the material to have been highly beneficial. It is really rewarding knowing that our work has helped facilitate a better level of care for stroke patients at this most difficult time in their lives.
